Sunday, July 24, 2011

99 Names Of Muhammad PBUH

99 Names Of Muhammad PBUH

99 Names of Allah

Al-Quddus       (The Holy) 

Al-Malik         (The Sovereign Lord) 
Ar-Rahim        (The Mercifull) 
Ar-Rahman      (The Beneficent) 
Allah             (The Name Of God) 
Al-Jabbar       (The Compeller) 
Al-Aziz          (The Mighty) 
Al-Muhaymin    (The Protector) 
Al-Mu'min       (The Guardian Of Faith) 
As-Salam        (The Source Of Peace) 
Al-Ghaffar      (The Forgiver) 
Al-Musawwir    (The Fashioner) 
Al-Bari          (The Evolver) 
Al-Khaliq        (The Creator) 
Al-Mutakabbir  (The Majestic) 
Al-Alim          (The All Knowning) 
Al-Fattah       (The Opner) 
Ar-Razzaq       (The Provider) 
Al-Wahhab      (The Bestover) 
Al-Qahhar       (The Subduer) 
Al-Muizz         (The Honourer) 
Ar-Rafi          (The Exalter) 
Al-Khafiz        (The Abaser) 
Al-Basit         (The Expender) 
Al-Qabiz        (The Constrictor) 
Al-Adl           (The Just) 
Al-Hakam       (The Judge) 
Al-Basir         (The All Seeing) 
As-Sami         (The All Hearing) 
Al-Muzill        (The Dishonourer) 
Al-Ghafur       (The All-Forgiving) 
Al-Azim         (The Great One) 
Al-Halim        (The Forbearing One) 
Al-Khabir       (The Aware) 
Al-Latif         (The Subtle One) 
Al-Muqit        (The Maintainer) 
Al-Hafiz        (The Preserver) 
Al-Kabir        (The Most Great) 
Al-Ali           (The Most High) 
Ash-Shakur    (The Appreciative) 
Al-Mujib        (The Responsive) 
Ar-Raqib       (The Watchfull) 
Al-Karim       (The Generous One) 
Al-Jalil         (The Sublime One) 
Al-Haseeb      (The Reckoner) 
Al-Ba'ith        (The Resurrector) 
Al-Majeed      (The Most Glorious One) 
Al-Wadud       (The Loving) 
Al-Hakeem      (The Wise) 
Al-Wasi         (The All-Embracing) 
Al-Mateen      (The Firm One) 
Al-Qawi         (The Most Strong) 
Al-Wakil        (The Trustee) 
Al-Haqq         (The Truth) 
Ash-Shaheed   (The Witness) 
Al-Mu'id        (The Restorer) 
Al-Mubdi        (The Originator) 
Al-Muhsi         (The Reckoner) 
Al-Hameed      (The Praiseworthy) 
Al-Wali          (The Protecting Friend) 
Al-Wajid        (The Finder) 
Al-Qayyum      (The Self-Subsisting) 
Al-Hayee        (The Alive) 
Al-Mumit        (The Creator Of Death) 
Al-Muhyi        (The Giver Of Life) 
Al-Qadir        (The Able) 
As-Samad       (The Eternal) 
Al-Ahad         (The One) 
Al-Wahid        (The Unique) 
Al-Majid         (The Noble) 
Al-Aakhir        (The Last) 
Al-Awwal         (The First) 
Al-Mu'akhkhir   (The Delayer) 
Al-Muqaddim     (The Expediter) 
Al-Muqtadir      (The Powerful) 
Al-Barr           (The Source Of All Goodness) 
Al-Muta'ali       (The Most Exalted) 
Al-Wali           (The Governor) 
Al-Batin          (The Hidden) 
Az-Zahir         (The Manifest) 
Malik-Ul-Mulk   (The Eternal Owner Of Sovereignty) 
Ar-Raoof         (The Compassionate) 
Al-'Afuw         (The Pardoner) 
Al-Muntaqim     (The Avenger) 
At-Tawwab      (The Acceptor Of Repentance) 
Al-Mughni       (The Enricher) 
Al-Ghani         (The Self-Sufficient) 
Al-Jaamay       (The Gatherer) 
Al-Muqsit         (The Equitable) 
Zul-Jalal-E-Wal-Ikram (The Lord Of Majesty And Bounty) 
Al-Haadi         (The Guide) 
An-Noor         (The Light) 
An-Naafay      (The Propitious) 
Ad-Daarr        (The Distresser) 
Al-Maanay       (The Preventer) 
As-Saboor       (The Patient) 
Ar-Rasheed      (The Guide To The Right Path) 
Al-Waris         (The Supreme Inheritor) 
Al-Baqi           (The Everlasting) 
Al-Badei          (The Incomparable)

99 Names of Allah

99 Names of Allah

The Holy Quran

The Quran Majeed is the central religious text of Islam, also sometimes referred to as Quran, Koran,  Koran, Koran, or Al-Quran. We believe that the Koran, a book of divine guidance and direction of humanity, and the original Arabic text, the final revelation from Allah. 
 We believe that the Quran was revealed Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Jibril (Gabriel) about twenty-three years. Followers of Islam, also believes that the Quran was pulled companions of Muhammad (peace be upon him), when he was still alive, although the primary mode of transmission is oral. Muslim tradition agrees in writing that the order shortly after the death of Muhammad (peace be upon him) was founded caliphs Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar, and that the orders began the process of orally transmitted text, which under his successor, Uthman, the Standard Edition as a "known Uthmanic review completed was formalized.
 Muslims regard the Quran as a main miracle of Muhammad (peace be upon him), as proof of his prophecy, and as the culmination of a series of divine messages. They began after the Islamic faith, with reports revealed Adam, regarded in Islam as the first prophet, and continued Suhuf Ibrahim (Abraham coils), Torait (Pentateuch or Torah), Zabur . The Quran implies Familiarity with the big stories in the Jewish and Christian scriptures, some of the apartment in the length of the other summarizes and reports in some cases, the accounting and alternative interpretations of events. Qur'an describes itself as a book of instructions, rarely offers detailed accounts of certain historical events, and often highlight the moral significance of the event during its narrative sequence.