Sunday, July 24, 2011

99 Names of Allah

Al-Quddus       (The Holy) 

Al-Malik         (The Sovereign Lord) 
Ar-Rahim        (The Mercifull) 
Ar-Rahman      (The Beneficent) 
Allah             (The Name Of God) 
Al-Jabbar       (The Compeller) 
Al-Aziz          (The Mighty) 
Al-Muhaymin    (The Protector) 
Al-Mu'min       (The Guardian Of Faith) 
As-Salam        (The Source Of Peace) 
Al-Ghaffar      (The Forgiver) 
Al-Musawwir    (The Fashioner) 
Al-Bari          (The Evolver) 
Al-Khaliq        (The Creator) 
Al-Mutakabbir  (The Majestic) 
Al-Alim          (The All Knowning) 
Al-Fattah       (The Opner) 
Ar-Razzaq       (The Provider) 
Al-Wahhab      (The Bestover) 
Al-Qahhar       (The Subduer) 
Al-Muizz         (The Honourer) 
Ar-Rafi          (The Exalter) 
Al-Khafiz        (The Abaser) 
Al-Basit         (The Expender) 
Al-Qabiz        (The Constrictor) 
Al-Adl           (The Just) 
Al-Hakam       (The Judge) 
Al-Basir         (The All Seeing) 
As-Sami         (The All Hearing) 
Al-Muzill        (The Dishonourer) 
Al-Ghafur       (The All-Forgiving) 
Al-Azim         (The Great One) 
Al-Halim        (The Forbearing One) 
Al-Khabir       (The Aware) 
Al-Latif         (The Subtle One) 
Al-Muqit        (The Maintainer) 
Al-Hafiz        (The Preserver) 
Al-Kabir        (The Most Great) 
Al-Ali           (The Most High) 
Ash-Shakur    (The Appreciative) 
Al-Mujib        (The Responsive) 
Ar-Raqib       (The Watchfull) 
Al-Karim       (The Generous One) 
Al-Jalil         (The Sublime One) 
Al-Haseeb      (The Reckoner) 
Al-Ba'ith        (The Resurrector) 
Al-Majeed      (The Most Glorious One) 
Al-Wadud       (The Loving) 
Al-Hakeem      (The Wise) 
Al-Wasi         (The All-Embracing) 
Al-Mateen      (The Firm One) 
Al-Qawi         (The Most Strong) 
Al-Wakil        (The Trustee) 
Al-Haqq         (The Truth) 
Ash-Shaheed   (The Witness) 
Al-Mu'id        (The Restorer) 
Al-Mubdi        (The Originator) 
Al-Muhsi         (The Reckoner) 
Al-Hameed      (The Praiseworthy) 
Al-Wali          (The Protecting Friend) 
Al-Wajid        (The Finder) 
Al-Qayyum      (The Self-Subsisting) 
Al-Hayee        (The Alive) 
Al-Mumit        (The Creator Of Death) 
Al-Muhyi        (The Giver Of Life) 
Al-Qadir        (The Able) 
As-Samad       (The Eternal) 
Al-Ahad         (The One) 
Al-Wahid        (The Unique) 
Al-Majid         (The Noble) 
Al-Aakhir        (The Last) 
Al-Awwal         (The First) 
Al-Mu'akhkhir   (The Delayer) 
Al-Muqaddim     (The Expediter) 
Al-Muqtadir      (The Powerful) 
Al-Barr           (The Source Of All Goodness) 
Al-Muta'ali       (The Most Exalted) 
Al-Wali           (The Governor) 
Al-Batin          (The Hidden) 
Az-Zahir         (The Manifest) 
Malik-Ul-Mulk   (The Eternal Owner Of Sovereignty) 
Ar-Raoof         (The Compassionate) 
Al-'Afuw         (The Pardoner) 
Al-Muntaqim     (The Avenger) 
At-Tawwab      (The Acceptor Of Repentance) 
Al-Mughni       (The Enricher) 
Al-Ghani         (The Self-Sufficient) 
Al-Jaamay       (The Gatherer) 
Al-Muqsit         (The Equitable) 
Zul-Jalal-E-Wal-Ikram (The Lord Of Majesty And Bounty) 
Al-Haadi         (The Guide) 
An-Noor         (The Light) 
An-Naafay      (The Propitious) 
Ad-Daarr        (The Distresser) 
Al-Maanay       (The Preventer) 
As-Saboor       (The Patient) 
Ar-Rasheed      (The Guide To The Right Path) 
Al-Waris         (The Supreme Inheritor) 
Al-Baqi           (The Everlasting) 
Al-Badei          (The Incomparable)

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